Army Cadet College Entrance Exam Model Papers for Entry Tests

Army Cadet College Entrance Exam Model Papers for Entry Tests

Army Cadet College Entrance Exam Model Papers 2024

Army Cadet Colleges of Pakistan takes entry test for every student for admissions in these colleges. Written entry test is most important for admissions in cadet colleges.

cadet college admission test syllabus

Download Model Papers from below this Link:

Download English Entry test paper

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Download General knowledge Entry test paper

Syllabus of Entry Test 8th Class Cadet College: Click Here

Entry test Model papers

Download Previous Papers: Click Here (8th Class)

Download Previous Papers Click Here (11th Class)

The mostly cadet colleges’ takes entry tests of chemistry, English, Mathematics and physics. The first step for taking admissions in Cadet Colleges that is entry test.

The preparation of entry test is most important for become success in entry test. We are providing you Sample papers or Model Papers that is helpful for your Entry Test Examinations.

These Model Papers will be helped you that how you can prepare yourself for Entry Test examination by any Cadet college.

Cadet College Hasan Abdal, Cadet College Swat, Cadet College Kohat, Cadet College Murree, Cadet College Petaro, Cadet College Lahore, Cadet College Sialkot, Cadet College Kallar Kahar, Cadet College Bhurban, Cadet College Attock, Cadet College Jhang, Pakistan Cadet College, Cadet College Fateh Jang, Cadet College Palandri, Cadet College Larkana, Cadet College Sanaghar, Cadet College Mastung, Cadet College Skardu, Cadet College Rawalpindi, Karnal Sher Cadet College, Cadet College Qutbal, Cadet College Jhelum, Cadet College Ormara, Cadet College Mastung, Cadet College Ghotki, Cadet College Humak, Cadet College sheikhpura, Cadet College kot addu, Cadet College wana and many more Cadet Colleges students can use these Model Papers for entry tests.

Entry Test Model Paper Class 7th

Paper English

Time 2hr

Total Marks: 100


  1. Attempt all the question.
  2. Please return question paper with the answer script.
  • Do not erase or cut any word.

Q No.1:Write an essay of 100 words on any one of the following topics(20)

  1. Our Holy Prophet (PBUH)
  2. My Teacher
  3. My Hobby

Q No.2:Write an application asking three days leave on your brother’s marriage.(10)

Q No.3:Write the plural of the nouns given below.
City, Roof, Bus, Women, Knife.(10)

Q No.4:Change the following sentences into negative.(20)

  1. He likes to go to school.
  2. They are working in the field.
  3. We went to see our friend last week.
  4. He had completed his homework.
  5. He has written an essay.

Q No.5:Write the following words in sentences of your own.
Week, Able, Beat, Tear, Lesson(10)

Q No.6:Define adverb and write the three main kinds of it, giving examples.(10)

Q No.7:Translate the following into English.(20) Click Here

Military College Murree Upper Topa Pakistan Previous 2015 Entry Test Papers Download: Click Here

I am a Professor at a Private College located in Lahore. My goal is to facilitate educational activities through this platform.

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  1. A alaikum My name is Shayan Ali. I am live in Islamabad. I want to know free test in which education free in cadet colloge.

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