Business in Saudi Arabia Small and Large Scale System

Business in Saudi Arabia Small and Large Scale System

Hi friends hope you are fine and enjoying your life in any where you live in this world. Doing business in different countries have different rolls and Saudi Arabia have their own stick business Rolls for small scale and large scale. Government of Saudi Arabia only proffered to big investors now a days before that they don’t. Government of Saudi Arabia made a special department to protect investors and provide them facilities to all over the businessmen’s to do business in Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Kafeel
Saudi Kafeel

Saudi Arabia has a King system so king can change their rolls when they want. In real Saudi Arabia only supports workers not small business men’s. But you can start your business with the name of Saudi person, (kafeel system is a big problem) means you have no freedom for small business and the Saudi has a power of attorney means he will be like real owner of your business. Kafeel means the Saudi has a full right they can do anything.

Your business contract is only with Saudi person government will not involved in these types of business. If Saudi person can take hand over of your business you cannot take your business back because all business documents already with that Saudi person.

Many people of Pakistani, Indian, USA, UK, Australia, Turkey, and different country people are working with Saudis many Saudis are good person and they are not liars. Means business running only with your general conversation, you are like a worker that is shown to government.

The big benefit of this country is peaceful, and petroleum and electricity price is so low that businessmen’s and other peoples can easy use it.



I am a Professor at a Private College located in Lahore. My goal is to facilitate educational activities through this platform.

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