Cadet College Jaffarabad Admission Form 2021 Entry Test Result

Cadet College Jaffarabad, Balochistan is an English medium residential cadet college announces the admission schedule for session 2021 for 7th class.

Eligibility Criteria:

The applicant must have pass 6th class Examination from a recognized school before 01 March 2021.

Age limit: the age limit of candidate must be between 11 years to 13 years of age till date 28 February 2021. The applicant student must be medical fit (mentally).

The selection of student for admission in 7th class will be on the basis of merit, which will determine through written entry test examination. Cadet-College-Jaffarabad-Admission.

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Last Date for submission of complete application form:

Entry Test Date by ETS

Entry Test Schedule:

The entry test will be held from balochistan textbook board 2018 syllabus of class sixth standard compressing of following subjects.

English Marks 25

Urdu Marks 25

Mathematics marks 25

General Science Marks 25

Total Entry Test marks will be on hundred (100).

The entry test will be taken by Balochistan Testing Service BTS.

The objective and subjective written examination will be conducted in English and Urdu Medium.

Admission will be awarded to the candidates who will appear under roll number serial issued to cadet college Jaffarabad by BTS on district merit, observing the prevailing admission policy only.


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Allocation of Seats:

Minorities: 01

Other Provinces 01 each: 03

Self-Finance: 05

10% quota of Nasirabad division: 06

Balochistan (District wise): 56

Admission Form and Prospectus:

Prospectus of the college with admission application form can be obtained on payment as detailed below. Through bank draft on the name of Principal Cadet College Jaffarabad or by hand Rs. 2000/-.


The admission form can also be downloaded from and duly filled form along with demand draft of Rs. 2000/- in favor of Principal Cadet College Jaffarabad. Online account number 0392500001000113 maintained at Muslim Commercial Bank MCB Usta Mohammad, Branch Code 0562.

Admission form must be submit before due date to Cadet College Principal office near Cattle farm usta Mohammad.

Intimation of Written Entry Test:

Date of written entry test will be taken by ETS through website and roll number slips.

The selected candidates will be intimated through call letter on the address mentioned in their admission forms and advertisement in newspaper.

Admission Open in First Year 2021

The credit college jaffarabad is an English medium residential institutions announces admission in first year intermediate class pre medical, pre engineering for the year 2021. form submission last date is 30-07-2021.

Registration Fees: Rs. 2000/-

Eligibility for 1st Year:

Age limit 15-17 Years old till date 01-06-2021

Matric pass and candidates who have appeared in Matric exam this year (he will submit a hope certificate from the head of institution that he would achieve requisite marks examinations) can apply.

candidates who have scored minimum 60 percent marks at the time of admission are eligible.


admission will be granted on open merit basis of Matric Result, written test, intelligence test, interview and medical examination.

Objective and subjective English and Urdu medium written examinations will be conducted through expert testing service ETS. the written test will be conducted from Balochistan Textbook Board Syllabus of Class 9th and 10th comprising of following four Subjects:


Mathematics / Biology

Physics / Chemistry


from Cadet College Jaffarabad by hand Rs. 2000/- Application forms can also be download from ETS website all download forms must be accompanied bank deposit slip registration fee Rs. 2000/- online Account MCB 0562 Branch Code and Account Number 1078341941003475 title Principal Cadet College Jaffarabad or with bank demand draft Rs. 2000/- in favor of Principal Cadet College Jaffarabad must be returned to the following address:

TCS Address before closing date: Principal Cadet College Jaffarabad Near Cattle farm usta Mohammad.

Intimation of Written Test:

date of written test, centre and time will be intimated through roll number slips which can be download through Mobile Number: 03337575904 Principal Cadet College Jaffarabad.

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