chief minister of punjab maryam nawaz sharif announced the CM Punjab Laptop Scheme for session 2025. The students from all over the punjab can avail the laptops. the online registration starts and the verification will be held in the month of March and April 2025, the final selected students will get the laptops in the month of May 2025. the verification and applications through universities / colleges and institutes of Punjab.
The latest model i7 13th generation laptops will be distributed this time, The PM Laptop scheme previous offered laptop to all over the Pakistan. this time only Punjab district domicile holders are eligible to apply for CM Punjab laptop scheme. All the portals related to PM Laptop scheme is active but not working. The Punjab Information technology department government of punjab is working to launch New registration portal for CM Punjab Laptop scheme.
The public and private sector university students will get the laptops to enhance their productivity and easy access to the latest technology. the world is became global village, The youth of Punjab can take benefit to learn and earn online through the laptops.
The total 60,000 laptops are arranged to distribute in Punjab students.
Eligibility Certiera
The university students male or female, currently enrolled in college or university recognized by higher education commission HEC are eligible to apply. The Bachelor / Master degree holders with valid University / College ID Card can apply online for CM Punjab Laptop scheme.
CM Punjab Laptop Registration
The online portal will be launched soon, the registration process will be through online.