Customer Balance Confirmation Letter Sample

Balance Confirmation letter is most Important for both of You. I write a letter for the Customer. This is Customer Balance Confirmation Letter Sample.


Company Name

Subject: confirmation of Balance as On 31-June 2024

Dear Madam / Sir,

With reference to above noted subject, please note that we are in the process of reconciling our records with our account for audit of our financial statements. In connection therewith, kindly confirm the balance due to/from us on account as at Date 30-06-2024

Please state in the space below whether or not this is in agreement with your records as the above date. Please furnish the information you may have that will assist us in reconciling the differences.

An early response shall be highly appreciated.

Yours truly,

      (C.O.E)                                                                 (Accounts Officer) 

Balance As per Printech                                 Balance as per Your Account

Name & Designation

Details of Discrepancies If any:

Customer Balance Confirmation Letter Sample In Image

Customer Balance Confirmation Letter Sample
Customer Balance Confirmation Letter Sample

Customer Balance Confirmation Letter Sample

Accounting Department in Companies its necessary to make confirmation about the balances of All Suppliers and Clients every year so make reconciliation with the sign and stamp of Suppliers and Clients for Future Reference. You can use Above Balance Confirmation Letter and send through email to Your Clients and Suppliers for Balance Confirmation.

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