Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant FLTA program 2025

Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant (FLTA) program

The United States educational foundation in Pakistan USEFP is now accepting applications for the year session 2025 Fulbright foreign language Teaching Assistant FLTA Program.

The Last Date to submit Job application form: 03 April 2024

It’s an opportunity to refine teaching skills.

To submit online application form visit usefpakistan.org before last date.

Eligibility Criteria:

Any Pakistani English Teacher and having valid passport, the applicant must be current English teacher in any college or university level in Pakistan. The preference will be given to those teachers who are newly join teaching field from one year to 8 years.

The applicant must have 16 years of education or four years bachelor degree or master degree.

The person whose dual nationality US/ Pakistan not eligible to apply for this program. The US Citizen or permanent resident also not eligible to apply.

The students who already studying in United States or on the work/ resident visa in any country are not eligible to apply.

Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant 2025
Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant 2025

Grant Benefits:

All FLTA Fellows will be receive monthly stipend, health insurance and travel support from the United States educational foundation USEFP.

The united states educational foundation USEFP will be given preference to women, people with disability and individuals from FATA, Khyber pakhtunkhwa, AJK, gilgit baltistan, balochistan, Northern Sindh and southern Punjab are highly encourage to apply.

USEFP Fulbright foreign Language Teaching Assistant Program 2025: Apply Online Here

I am a Professor at a Private College located in Lahore. My goal is to facilitate educational activities through this platform.

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