The officials of Google Asia team from Singapore is coming to Pakistan for visiting Pakistani universities for giving lecturer related to Google Services and their benefits. Its first time that officials of Google search Engine Company is visiting Pakistani universities for giving lecturer to Pakistani University students.

It’s an opportunity for all students especially for those whose relates to web developing, App Developers, Bloggers and writers. If you are related to these category professionals, than its more important for you to join these lecturers in different universities of Pakistan. The Google lecture will be cover Google AdSense and Ad Mob for Online Advertising.
The Google Team Officials will be as follows:
Cymone Ding, Programs Specialist & University Recruiter,
Charlotte Park, University Programs Specialist.
Waqas Burney, Manager (Web), Strategic Online Partnerships – South Asia,
Ahmad Nawaz, Manager (Apps), Strategic Online Partnerships – South Asia,
The selected universities where Google Officials will come as below:
Tuesday 30th August, 2016
Institute of Business Administration (IBA) Karachi
Wed. 31st August, 2016
NED University of Engineering & Technology (NED) Karachi
Thu. 01st September, 2016
National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences (FAST-NU) Islamabad
Fri. 02nd September, 2016
GIK Institute of Engineering Sciences & Technology (GIKI) Topi
Mon. 05th September, 2016
Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS) Lahore
Tuesday 06th September, 2016
University of Gujrat (UOG) Gujrat
Wed. 07th September, 2016
University of Central Punjab (UCP) Lahore
Thursday 08th September, 2016
National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences (FAST-NU) Lahore
Friday 09th September, 2016
University of Engineering & Technology (UET) Lahore