Govt PKP Introduce Biometric System in KPESE

KPESE KPK biometric system

Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa introduce biometric system in Elementary & Secondary Education Department KPESE. Old system has been finished and new biometric system has been started by kpk government. Its good step for education department to make sure that teachers are coming in institutes on time.


According to officials (Elementary and Secondary Education Department is the biggest of all departments of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. It has more than 1,68,000 employees whcih are about 55% of the total employees of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. 3.9 million students are learning in more than 28000 Government institutions having more than 1,19,000 teachers) I thing its big efford by Imran khan and Pakistan threek insan to take this action and starts biometric system. for more details

Director, E&SE Department

Muhammad Rafiq Khattak


I am a Professor at a Private College located in Lahore. My goal is to facilitate educational activities through this platform.

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