Healthy Child Parent Relationship | Happy Family Tips

Parenting is a journey that takes plenty of patience and understanding with a stable and loving home.

What qualities do you need to cultivate in yourself to be a great parent?


Very first responsibility of parents is to ensure the security of their child, they should protect their child from hot and cold environment, they should feed their child on time, they should sooth their kid when they become anxious and frightened.


Many studies have shown that warmth in the parent-child relationship is related to positive outcomes for children. Parental warmth and affection is also positively related to adolescent academic competence and negatively related to teen pregnancy and associations with deviant peers. Parental warmth is even found to encourage children’s use of social support and proactive, problem-focused coping styles.


If someone has hurt your child’s feelings, have her write out reasons why that person might have acted that way. Putting oneself in another person’s shoes can lead to understanding and can help your child learn to let the offense go and move forward.


Tell the truth yourself. Think a white lie is okay?

 Children Pictures
Children Pictures

Here is a list of some character traits of Child’s that should develop:


Appreciate your parents for everything. Be the best that you can be, and be there for them in their old age. “Love your parents.


Don’t anger your parents in order to please other people.

Positive Outlook:

Always stay positive with your parents, no matter how worse the situation is because they didn’t leave you when you were young.


In every situation respect your parents. As the great saying “A child who is allowed to be disrespectful to his parents will not have true respect for anyone.” Billy Graham


Be humble with your parents.

Spend time with them:

children pakistan 14 august 2020
children pakistan 14 august 2020

Read Also: Children Are The Reflections Of Their Parents


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