HEC Punjab Foreign Postdoctoral Fellowship 2019 Phase 3 Application Form

Higher education commission Punjab offer foreign post-doctoral fellowship program session 2018 and phase 3, government of Punjab HEC invites application forms from eligible public sector college teachers’ professors / faculty in Punjab for award foreign post Doc Fellowships for 9-12 months in top 300 universities according to the QS world university rankings 2018.


This fellowship program design for teachers to improve their teaching skills and research activities.

Last date of submission of application form: 06 February 2019

Eligibility criteria:

Hold a PhD degree from an HEC recognized university.

The applicant must not have more than 52 years old till last date to apply.

The applicant must be a regular faculty member / teacher BPS or TTS of public sector universities / colleges chartered by government of Punjab.

Research proposal must be written clearly relevant to the academic field.

The eligible and selected candidate will be placement in a reputed university / institute list in top 300 universities according to the QS world university ranking 2018.

Applicants not eligible:

Dual national holder

Applicants who are already availing any other scholarship / fellowship.

Applicants who have not regular faculty in Public Sector College / university.

Applicants who have availed post-doctoral fellowship in the last five years.

 How to apply:

The interested and eligible candidates may download application form from hec.edu.pk.

The dully filled application form along with all reputed documents must be submitted to the address mention below.

For more information visit punjabhec.edu.pk or call on 042-99231903

I am a Professor at a Private College located in Lahore. My goal is to facilitate educational activities through this platform.

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