Sukkur institute of business administration IBA offer workshop on hospital management. The program is for the benefits of healthcare and hospital managers who are either aspiring for a leadership position in their own setup or already there. The expected outcome will be to make the healthcare professionals aware of the management aspects of healthcare and hospital management and equip them with guidelines for management and improving performance of their healthcare organizations.
Registration before: 09 May 2020 limited seats available
Contents of the workshop:
Basics of handling people and system.
Nine dimensions of hospital management and leadership.
Healthcare and hospital as an organization.
Goals of care in a healthcare and hospital setting.
Performance improvement in healthcare and hospital setting.
How will you benefits:
Knowledge on management aspects of hospitals.
Assistance in improving performance of self and organization.
Timing: 09:00 AM to 1:00 PM Thursday May 11, 2020
Investment |Amount: 3000/- Rs
Who should attend?
Healthcare and hospital
Professional managing
Hospitals and their departments.
Workshop includes:
Course material