Imperial college of business studies admission 2021-2022 This college is chartered by Govt. of Punjab, Recognized & Awarded category “W” by higher education commission, and Govt of Pakistan.
Imperial college of business studies offers admission in engineering, information technology, fine arts, applied technology,management and business studies. These courses are offered in bachelor and master level. Engineering program of this college are permission granted by Pakistan engineering council. Diploma courses (one year) , certificate courses (six month) and training workshops are also offer. Address of this college are as follow: main campus: Behira chowk, canal bank Lahore sub campus: C,block Izmir society canal bank road Lahore. form more information: phone no: 042-35961842-3, 042-37499301-6, Fax: 042-37499085 cell: 0302-4867744,0321-9445898 WEB:
Read Also: if you want to take admission in Business and Law in Lahore Than apply here: Business and law school Lahore Admission 2021 and for Punjab University IBA Punjab University Lahore Admission 2021 MBA Entry Test Date.
Undergraduate Program:
- B.Sc. Civil Engineering
- B.Sc. Electrical Engineering
- B.Sc. Mechanical Engineering
- Bachelor of Architecture
- Bachelor of Business Administration Specialization Finance, HRM, Marketing
- BS in Computer Science Specialization in (CS, IT, SE)
How to Get Prospectus and Apply Online:
Admission form and prospectus available at university admission office and Your Can Download Prospectus Here.
Imperial College Of Business Studies open admission application forms online. for online admission Application Form Here
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