Multan Institute of Kidney Diseases Job Opportunities

Multan Institute of Kidney Diseases Multan offering career opportunities, job applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following vacant posts at Multan institute of Kidney MIKD, multan for appointment adhoc basis. The opening career opportunities are pathology, nephrology, urology, anesthesia, and assistant professors of radiology, pathology histopathology hematology, chemical path microbiology immunology, anesthesia, and nephrology and senior registrar of urology nephrology anesthesia radiology.


The job application must be submitted on the prescribed Proforma which can be obtained from the office of the undersigned.

The complete form with attested copies of required documents must search in the office before dated: 25 Feb 2018 time: 02 PM.

I am a Professor at a Private College located in Lahore. My goal is to facilitate educational activities through this platform.

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