NED University of Engineering and Technology Admission Notice for Masters Degree Programmes for the Academic Session 2024-2025.
Applications are invited from the candidates who are citizens/ Resident of Pakistan and desirous of admission to the following masters degree evening Programmes.
Application form along with prospectus can be obtained on payment of Rs. 2500/- including bank charges from the NED University Branch of National Bank of Pakistan and habib Metropolitan Bank, Additional Forms for each additional programme can also be obtained from the same branches of the banks on payment of Rs. 1000/-. Applications forms and prospects will be available from . The Last Date of receipt of application form in respective departments is. Detail of Eligibility and other information are available at the university website
For Further Information and clarification, please call
9926-1261-68 EXT: 2285, 2322 or Email:
Note: Admission test for all the above programmes will be held on. The test date will be notified by the concerned department separately.
Name of Department and Area of Specializations are given below