NIRC Islamabad Jobs Application Form Interview Test Date
National industrial relationship commission ministry of overseas and HRD Islamabad require Assistants, Readers, UDC and LDC. The Posts are empty and requires fulfilling these positions for this purpose government of Pakistan requires the talented Pakistanis to fill vacancies.
How to apply:
The interested applicants can apply by downloading job application form from and deposit Rs. 150 to any branch of Bank Alfalah though deposit slip of bank alfalah, the amount of Rs. 150 is non-refundable.
After completing of job application form attached require documents with job application form and send it to:
Zakaullah Khan Khalil
Registrar NIRC 5/2 G-sector Islamabad
Phone Number: 051-9201834
The applicants must take their educational certificates when interview will do.
Government employees can apply through proper channel
No TA and DA will be given during the day of written test and interview
Incomplete and late job applications will not be entertained.
Only short listed candidates will be called for test and interview.
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