PAEC Postgraduate Fellowship Program 2020 at PIEAS KINPOE

PAEC Postgraduate Fellowship Program for Engineering’s, Science and Medicine Graduates at Pakistan institute of engineering and applied sciences and Karachi institute KINPOE. MS Fellowships for medical doctors, scientists and engineers, the Fellowships will be Rs. 25000/- per month and appointment in SPS-8 after graduation. Admissions are open for PhD and MS Leading to PhD Candidates. 2 years MS Programs PIEAS, Islamabad.

Submission Deadline: June 06, 2020 Monday

Admission Test July 16, 2020 Saturday.

Application Form:


The design construction and operation of a nuclear reactor and its associated facilities require knowledge of many areas of science and engineering.

To provide a broad based technical knowledge, KINPOE offers the degree of Master of Science in Nuclear Power Engineering to candidates from diverse engineering and scientific backgrounds.

All candidates are offered a fellowship to undertake this course. On completion of the degree, the inducted fellows may be required to work at Nuclear Power Plants or related installations. The academic program is of two-year duration which is spread over a seven week zero semester and five regular semesters of 14 weeks each. Selected candidates should be ready to undertake serious studies.

Stipend and all other benefits will be applicable and joining will be considered complete only from the date when all of the above mentioned documents are received at Administration Branch, KINPOE. You may be asked to leave KINPOE if your documents remain incomplete by the time registration forms are to be sent to PIEAS.

Due to the security reasons, your training may be terminated at any stage and offer of appointment withdrawn if an adverse report is furnished about you from any agency. Moreover, after completion of the training, you will be appointed in PAEC as a regular employee only after all of your security clearances have been received.

This call does not in any way waive off your ineligibility, disqualification if warranted, nor does it condone any deficiency in your application or documents. Your selection will be cancelled at any stage unless all notified conditions are fulfilled including the result of your final examination.

Every effort is being made to dispatch this letter on the given postal address. However, this Institute does not accept any liability for late or non-delivery of this letter.

At the end, I would like to congratulate you on your selection and hope that your association with KINPOE in the coming months will be a pleasant and fruitful one. You may contact the undersigned for any further information.

I am a Professor at a Private College located in Lahore. My goal is to facilitate educational activities through this platform.

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