Proven Ways to Reduce Stress and Depression | Healthcare

Depression and stress is increasing in the current corona virus situation, around the world, on the one hand, there is the fear of the Corona epidemic and on the other hand, people are worried about employment and the problems that are coming. In this context, mindfulness and many other related methods can reduce depression and stress.

3 Proven Ways to Reduce Stress and Depression

What is mindfulness?

Mindfulness means our thoughts; maintain moment awareness of our thoughts. In Mindlessness we perceive feelings in such a way that we do not form an opinion about them. In it we understand only the state of mind, thoughts and feelings. This is how we react to the current situation and the many benefits that come with it.

There are several methods of mindfulness that are described below.

Mindful movement exercises:

Many people practice yoga tai chi and qigong and call it mindfulness. Although these are the best ways to go, brisk walking, cycling, swimming and other such hobbies will also count in mindfulness as long as you do not master the things around you. Concentrate on your work speed, movements, breathing process and your path, both internally and externally. Doing this in unison will reduce stress.


There are many types of meditation, but it is best to keep them simple and complete. The best way to do this is through quiet (Namaz, Ibadat) prayers, which have no competition.

Bring the muscles of the toe to tension and relaxation and apply it to the whole body. In the meantime, focus on deep and smooth breathing. There are also many exercises on YouTube that can be used in this regard.


Breathing exercises:

Breathing is very important for life. Just ten minutes of mindfulness breaths have a pleasant effect on the whole body. One way is to take the breath deep to the abdomen and exhale slowly. Relax every muscle in each coming and going breath and focus on breathing. Try to avoid the invasion of ideas.

I am a Professor at a Private College located in Lahore. My goal is to facilitate educational activities through this platform.

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