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Punjab Police Job Test Interview Schedule 2020
Test and Interview Dates: and other posts dates will be remains same that published in previous Job Advertisement.

Lahore Police Constable Jobs update dated 23-October-2020) Lahore Police Constable Physical Test already taken by the government of Punjab Now Punjab Police takes Test from selected candidates in physical test. 5000 selected candidates test will be taken in November 2020
In Police officials and NTS meeting said that these tests will be held in start of November 2020. National testing service NTS will be taken all tests from Punjab Police Constables and check all papers from NTS.
Before this police constable tests takes by police department butt now government of Punjab takes good action and give this authority to a famous organization NTS. the official website of nts is
The NTS takes tests from all over the Pakistan in different purposes. NTS is trusted organization in Pakistan. So this is big change for Pakistani people.
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