If You are working in Any organization or you have your own Company and Any Company is not paying You Your Outstanding Balance Than Write Letter Like This. I write this letter for best of you make necessary changes in this letter as your Company Requirement.
Company Name (That is Not Paying you)
ATTN: Mr. Person Name
January 21, 2020
Respected Sir, Request For Clearance of Our Long Outstanding Balance
We are again making reminder for clearance of our very long outstanding balance. As you know very well that prosperous business strategy is win-win policy. We are continuously playing our part by making continuous supply to you and we expect you to do your kind act by clearing our all due balance. Our pending due invoices starts from June 2015.
Sir you know that in local market, no credit is available and we have to purchase raw material on cash basis for your products. As far as imported material is concerned, we have to make payment on advance TT basis for purchase of raw material required for your products. We provide your items by obtaining loan from our bank for purchase of paper & board but in return we receive payment which is near to nothing. Every month we have to pay huge mark up for your long long outstanding balance. We are supplying to you at very nominal margin and this margin vanishes when the payment is delayed for long period.
You are once again humbly requested to immediately clear our due balance of Rs.3,650,852 out of the total balance of Rs.3,985,601/-
We are looking forward for fulfillment of your commitments made from October 2009 and hoping for a favorable & sympathetic consideration.
Chief Executive Name of Your Company.
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