Unique Science Academy preparation of Entry Test MCAT & ECAT 2019
Unique entry test preparation admission open for MDCAT L-MDCAT, NUMS, ECAT, FUNGAT. Unique provides transportation and hostel facility for interested candidates.
Free Seminar will be held on date 22 May 2019 venue Dr, Nisar Ahmed, Rana Auditorium 106-A New muslim town, Wahdat Road, Lahore.
the Free seminar timing will be 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm
The students who want to take admission in NUST, GIKI, PIEAS, UET, FAST, UHS, NUMS and Punjab University must be take admission in Unique for entry test preparation. Unique group of institutes provides 100% scholarships on merit base.
the classes will be start from 23 May 2019

Unique Science Academy starts preparation of Entry test with practical’s of Mcat and Ecat For Nust, Fast, and GIKI universities. Unique high school starts admissions in Bahira town Lahore and valencia town Lahore for 9th 10th 1st year and 2nd year classes FA, Fsc, Ics, G.sc.