Volunteer Jobs in Pakistan Red Crescent Punjab Media & Communication

Red Crescent Punjab Provincial headquarter Lahore requires paid Volunteer / Internship Opportunity in Media and communication department of Pakistan Red Crescent Punjab Lahore.
Stipend: Rs. 22000/- Per Month
Full Time Job
How to submit CV: the interested applicants just submit their CV to following email address as early as possible.
Ali Raza Mukhtar Provincial Manager Media and communication Punjab Lahore.
Skills Requires:
Microsoft Office (MS Excel, MS World)
Graphic Designing
In page
Documentary making


Media & Communication Department enhances the image and visibility of the Pakistan Red Crescent by adopting effective and viable communication mechanisms for promotion of a healthy and safe living, peace and tolerance, augmenting credibility and greater public acceptability for maximum humanitarian benefits and increased fund-raising for ongoing projects and future sustainability.
Since the establishment of Media & Communication Department, the National Society’s humanitarian services have been projected through regular publication of quarterly magazines, brochures, special reports, annual reports, IEC material, short films and documentaries and by updating the PRC website. Wide coverage of the National Society’s relief and reconstruction operations has been broadcast.

I am a Professor at a Private College located in Lahore. My goal is to facilitate educational activities through this platform.

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