Youm E Ishq Rasool Love the Prophet Day in Pakistan

(Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi, Faisalabad News dated 21-September-2020)   Youm E Ishq Rasool Day Love the Prophet Day in Pakistan dated 21-September-2020. for Muslims Every day is Youm E Ishq Rasool Love Day.

Pakistani people are going to protest against Anti Islam Film on Friday dated 21-September-2020. This is love Prophet Day in all over the Pakistan, and it is public holiday in Pakistan on Friday Sep 21, 2020. Pakistan has already block YouTube for registration our protest against anti Islam Movie.

Youm E Ishq Rasool Love the Prophet Day in Pakistan 21-September-2012
Youm E Ishq Rasool Love the Prophet Day in Pakistan 21-September-2012

The federal and Public of Pakistan has decided to registered our protest against this film makers and made this day (Youm-e-Ishq-Rasool day to convey to massage to those nonsense people who made film against other religion.  Do to this USA people can’t visit to other countries because of fear. So this is big mistake from the government of USA. Peace is good for every human so please go to peace not to heart someone.

Love the Prophet Day in Pakistan 21-September-2012
Love the Prophet Day in Pakistan 21-September-2012

Dear all Pakistani this is requested to all of Muslims that you must go for protest butt please don’t burnt and destroy your own items like buildings, motorcycles, cars, and all others things. Your peaceful protest will be highly appreciated for all of the Muslims, do something batter for your religion for your country. please protest butt relates to the topic.

One day is enough day for Youm E Ishq Rasool day, this is whole life to love your beloved Prophet

Islam is a religion of peace.

What your opinions on this day and what you do on this day.

I am a Professor at a Private College located in Lahore. My goal is to facilitate educational activities through this platform.

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